
Star Wars, Our Version Part 27

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*She was running down the hallway trying to find Obi Wan. Untill she slammed into *Izzi.*

Izzi: Woah there speed racer. Slow down or you'll kill someone.


Izzi: Woah slow down. Say it again tand this time slower.


Izzi: Great. Now the new couple is trying to kill eachother. Just what we need!

Ahsoka: I'll go find Master Kenobi. You go get my master.

Izzi: Okay. *She took off.*

                                                        WITH IZZI

Izzi: *She ran into Anakin's room.* Anakin! Where are you.

*No answer.*

Izzi: *She saw Chloe on the ground just waking up.* Chloe!

Chole: Izzi? Wad you do to make Ani mad again? *She weakly pointed behind Izzi?

Izzi: What? *She turned around to see Anakin just miss her with his lightsaber.* Geez!

Chloe: Ani? *She passed out again*

Anakin: Yep It's me honey! *He had a evil grin on his face.* And now I'm going to kill you friend. Like I killed Padme!

Izzi: *She did a backflip to avoid Anakin's lightsaber.* YOU killed Padme?

Anakin: Of course. *He smirked at Izzi.* Who else?

Izzi: Um why? *Izzi ignited her lightsaber*

Anakin: Simple. *He walked twards Izzi and pointed at Chloe with is lightsaber.* Her.

Izzi: You're sick.

Anakin: I depends on your point of view.

Izzi: What is wrong with you? One day you want to marry Chloe, the next- *She pointed to Chloe* You try to kill her!

Anakin: True True. I'm just trying to protect her.

Izzi: What?

Anakin: Yeah. he emperor said he would protect us all.

Izzi: Anakin what are you-?

Anakin: The jedi are fools Izzi. And Chloe and I togeather, we could rule the galxy. In peace.

Izzi: Your point?

Anakin: All the Jedi must die Izzi. It's what will bring peace Izzi. The order will bring peace.

Izz: *She noticed for the first time tha Anakin's eyes were a slight shade of amber.* Order?

Anakin: Yes Izzi. Order 66. *And with that he grabbed Chloe in his arms and ran out the door.*

Izzi: Oh no.

*Izzi whipped out her wand and apparated in front of Obi Wan*

Obi Wan: *He was startled. He jumped* IZZI! *He exhaled and inhaled deeply* WHAT DO YOU WANT!?


Obi Wan: You sound like Ahsoka. Okay thats horrible. We need to get to him and fas-

*Before he could finish, Izzi grabbed him and right when she touched his arm, they disapparated and ended up in Anakins starship*

Obi Wan: Umm...?

Izzi: I'll explain later.


Ahsoka: *She was running around looking for Obi Wan.* Obi!? Wan? Hey?!

*Ahsoka's comlink beeped.*

Ahsoka: Ahsoka here.

Chloe over com: Ahsoka! OH thank God you are okay!

Ahsoka: Chloe!! Oh geez are you okay?

Chloe: Yes yes I'm fine. Is Izzi....oh what am I saying its Izzi.

Ahsoka: Where are you?

Chloe: I have no idea. I'm blindfolded, my hands and feet are tied and my lightsabers are gone.

Ahsoka: Um, I think your new husband kidnapped you.


Ahoka: Chloe?

Chloe: HE WHAT!?

Ahsoka: Master Skywalker went crazy again.

Chloe: Ugh. Great. My new husband is psychotic! Amazing.

Ahsoka: Well I think you-

Chloe: Oh crap. Someone is coming. Got to go I'll keep in touch. Bye.

Ahsoka: Wait Chloe!

*The connection was lost.*

Ahsoka: Dang.

*Just then the door burst open and Ginger and Kylor came running in.*

Kaylor: Ahsoka!!

Ahsoka: *She spun around and screamed.* Ahhhhh!!!

Ginger: Ahhhhh!!!

Kaylor: Ahhhhhhh!!!!

Ahsoka: Oh sorry guys. You just scared me.

Ginger: *She was breathing hard.*

Ahsoka: What happened why are you guys so out of breath?

Ginger: Had (breath) to (breath) run from (breath) cl-

*Captin Rex came running in with two other clones.*

Rex: There you two are. And lookey here....Commander Tano.

                                                   WITH ARALINA

*Aralina was in the younglings room teaching them the force throw technique.*

Aralina: To master this technique you have to clear you mind and focus.

Youngling Girl: My name is Kelly and how can you do that when you're dead?

Aralina: Well Kelly,*She put on a fake smile.* That helps alot because I don't have to think about anything really. Nothing can hurt me like something can hurt you.

Kelly: Wh can't you get-

Aralina: I'M DEAD!!!

Kelly: Geez sorry no need to get pissy.

Aralina: Excuse me?

Kelly: Um sorry Master Shadethrasher.

Aralina: Yeah thats what I thought.

*Just then a huge explosion happened in the room under the younglings room and shook the whole building.*

Aralina: What was that!?

*Chad came running in.*

Chad: Sir! The Holocron room has exploded from a sepratist attack.

Aralina: Crap. Just what i needed. Younglings go to the training room and stay there!

Younglings: Yes Master Shadethrasher. *They all ran off.*

Aralina: *She turned on her com.* Chloe?

(No response.)

Aralina: Hmm....Izzi?


Aralina: What is going on? Ahsoka? You there?

Ahsoka over com: Yeah I'm here. Are you-. Um never mind your dead.

Aralina: Thanks. Where are you?

Ahsoka: We are in a holding cell somwhere in the south side of the temple.

Aralina: Okay. Are you with anyone?

Ahaoka: Yes.....Ginger....Kay....stuck...hurry.....clones...*the connection was lost.*

Aralina: Great. Chad?

Chad: Yeah?

Aralina: *She ignited her blue double bladed light saber and it lit up her face blue in the dark room.* Lets go kick some separatist butt. *And with that she walked out Chad following.*


*Chloe was just sitting there*


Izzi: This way!

Obi Wan: Coming!

*They walked in to where Chloe and Anakin were. Chloe was in a closet. Anakin was flying the ship to who knows where*

Obi Wan: Oww! Izzi you stepped on my foot!

Izzi: Sorry! Shh! Anakin will find- *She looked up to see Anakin standing over her and Obi Wan*

Anakin: Well hel-

*Izzi whipped out her wand and poked him in the face*

Anakin: What the!

Obi Wan: What the? What was that?

Izzi: A stick i found.

*Izzi ignited her light saber and pinned Anakin to the wall*

Izzi: Now you know how it fells to get pinned to the walls with a light saber huh? Obi! Get Chloe! ANAKIN! WHERE IS SHE!?

Anakin: CRAWCKK! *Izzi pushed on his neck tighter. He fainted*

Izzi: We- *Anakin pinned her to the ground* Haha.

Anakin: You fell for that old trick? You ARE stupid.

Izzi: Obi! Go fly the ship!

Obi Wan: Stop Calling me that! But Okay!

Izzi: *Right as Obi Wan looked away, She pulled out her wand and pointed it at Anakin and he went flying back and hit the wall and actually did become unconscious*

                                               WITH AHSOKA, GINGER, AND KAYLOR

*They were all deflecting bullets that the clones were shooting at them*

Kaylor: *A bullet hit her arm* *She screamed in pain and held her arm dropping her light saber*

Ahsoka: Kaylor!

Kaylor: *She reached for her light saber and right then, Rex shot and the bullet connected with her chest. She tried to scream but nothing came out and she fell to the ground*

Ginger: *Ginger turned around to see Kaylor with a blood stain on her chest, just laying there* KAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!!! *She ran over to her and started to weep silently*

Ahsoka: Ginger! move! *She bumped her out of the way and quickly deflected a bullet that came right at her*

Ginger: *She fell and Rex walked over to her and pointed his gun at her head and smiled an evil smile*

Rex: *He put his finger on the trigger* Ughh! *He grabbed his stomach and pulled out Ginger's pink light saber and fell over*

Ginger: *She grabbed her light saber and got up*

Trooper: Come on. *They retreated and ran the otherway.*

Ahsoka: *She looked down at Rex a single tear dropped from her eye.* He was my best friend.

Ginger: *She patted her back.* I know. I know. *She looked at Kaylor's lifeless body.* I'll miss him to Ahsoka.

                                       WITH ANAKIN AND CHLOE

Chloe: Mmmfffff!!!!!

Izzi: *She ran over to Chloe and ripped off the ducktape over her mouth.*

Chloe: GAHHHHHH!!!! Dang that hurt Izzi!

Izzi: Nice to see you too. Now come on Obi wan is fighting Anakin.

Chloe: *She ran twards the fighting sounds to find Anakin just punch Obi Wan in the face and send him flying down.* ANAKIN!

Anakin: Chloe? How did you-?


Izzi: Whoa.

Anakin: .......

Chloe: Answer me.

Anakin: Honey I think you're tired. Why don't you go lie down and-

Chloe: ANAKIN!!!!!

Anakin: Fine! Order 66! The Emperor has ordered rder 66. All the jedi will be killed. But Chloe. *He took both her hands in his.* We will be the most powerful Jedi ever. We can rule the galaxy and over throw the emperor.

Chloe: *She stepped back shaking her had in horror.* What happened to you Ani?

Anakin: I have realized my destiny.

Chloe: Anakin, you're breaking my heart.

Izzi: Yeah, now I'm gonna break your face.

Chloe: Anakin. Listen to me. This isn't you the Emperor has brain washed you. Please show me Anakin Skywalker. Show me the Jedi I fell in love with. Where is my Anakin?

Anakin: Nowhere. *His eyes were a shade of dark amber.* Anakin is no longer living. There is only Darth Vader now.
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